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French Republic Human Rights Award

Shakti Samuha has honored by the French Embassy with “French Republic Human Rights Award”-2015 in Kathmandu on the date of 25th February 2015. This award is not only for Shakti Samuha, we would like to dedicate this award to all of those who have been joining hands together for the rights against Human Trafficking.

 We would like to thank you all of our partners, donors, government agencies, media persons, members, staff, and volunteers for your continued support on this journey to end human trafficking and slavery.

 (In 1947, the French authorities established a “National Advisory Commission on Human Rights”, an independent administrative body that ensured that the human rights were respected and implement in France.  Each year, this Commission selects, from all over the world, the winners of the “French Republic Human Rights Awards”.  This year, the Commission selected Shakti Samuha for its outstanding work and has given a special mention award “Liberté-Egalité-Fraternité”. )