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” Protection of Children from the Risk of Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Kaski District”


Shakti Samuha is running a project named ” Protection of Children from the Risk of Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Kaski District”  of Nepal. Partner Organization: Ecpat Luxembourg The main objectives of the project are :

  • To prevent the children who are at the high risk of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and human trafficking.
  • To enhance the capacity of the district level stakeholders who are working against human trafficking.
  • To organize orientation program for the victim of the commercial sexual exploitation, to provide income generation support to those family whose children at the high risk, to provide education support, psychosocial counseling, legal support, and advocacy and to protect the right of the children.

The main activities that are to be carried out during project period:

  • Conducting interaction program for the local level stakeholder regarding the human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.
  • Provide training and orientation to the project staffs.
  • Identifying the victim, rescue them and provide legal support.
  • Establish child-friendly resource center to provide information about CSEC and human trafficking and conducting the monthly meeting in the resource center.
  • Conducting interaction program with the local level stakeholder on human trafficking and CSEC.